From The Principal...
From the Principal
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! Welcome back to the many familiar faces, and welcome to the many new faces joining us this year; we look forward to getting to know you!
The school office opened on Monday, August 27th. If you have any questions or need clarification about the new school year, please drop by the office or give us a call at 204-736-2282.
September 6th marked the first day of school for students, although many teachers had been organizing and getting ready for their students since the middle of August.
The entire staff at J.A. Cuddy is looking forward to a great start to the 2018-2019 school year. In the near future the school will be opening up a new updated webpage and we hope that parents will find the new webpage informative and useful in organizing student and family life.
The school will continue to share information through remind. Remind is a service that allows schools to anonymously communicate with parents through text messages. J.A. Cuddy will use remind as one more method to keeping parents aware of school events and happenings. To join the " Community" remind all you have to do is send the text message @jacud to (204) 808- 8986, from that point on you will be able to receive text messages that are sent from the office.
If you would like to read more about remind, you can use the following link to find out more information
We will continue to use our tried and true methods of communication, however, we are always striving to improve communication with parents at J.A. Cuddy.
Please share our social media information with friends who may not be following us yet.
School Webpage -
Remind - text message @jacud to (204) 808-8986
Twitter - @jacuddy
Mr. Thomson